Scene City: Run Chicken Run
In The Charades of Time, a time traveller travels to the past once a year on the Lunar Valentine's Day. He falls in love with a beautiful seamstress, who accepts his presence without question. As the time traveller ages quickly in front of the young seamstress, he comes to realize that time has brought him to her, but it may also eventually pull them apart... Set against the backdrop of 1930s Singapore, The Charades of Time narrates a tale of unrequited love, where time travel becomes more of a curse than a blessing.在時間的隧道裡,他在每一年的七月初七穿越了時光的侷限。在那個時空裡他愛上了縫製旗袍的女人。他隨著時間的流逝而漸漸老去,可是女人還是依舊風華美麗。他終於了解時間將讓他們相遇,卻也將他們分離。故事述說著1930年代的新加坡,一場似孽似緣的跨時空愛戀。